Williams County Administration Building, 1st Floor
206 E Broadway
Williston, ND 58801
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2047
Williston, ND 58802-2047
Department Head: Patti Ogurchak, Treasurer/Recorder
The Recorder's Office is responsible for recording documents that affect titles to real property, maintaining reception records, grantor/grantee indexes, and a land tract index, providing for the safekeeping of wills, and filing burial transit permits.
The Recorder's Office is co-located with the Treasurer's Office, which also serves as a Passport Acceptance Facility.
*Please note: The Williams County Recorder's Office cannot determine mineral ownership/mineral rights; you will need to hire someone like a landman to do that for you.
Protect Yourself Against Property Fraud
Document Alert is a free service that sends an automated email alert any time a document is recorded in our office using your name or property's parcel number. This is one way to help protect against property fraud and safeguard personal information.
Get started by setting up an account at idocmarket.com. Once you set up an account and log-in, click "Document Alert Set-up" to create alerts based on parcel number, Grantor name, or Grantee name.